or Our Love for Wisdom


Caveat lector: There are at least two ways of reading these pages. They may be read as a ‘self-contained’ introduction
to a thought, idea or theory, or – alternatively & preferably – can be taken as a hub page‘ into the subject matter.
One may regard them as a vade mecum that goes hand-in-hand with other publications here & beyond that maybe
consulted for further analysis or explanations, and/or use the words as vertexes or nodes of a much larger network
of ideas, ultimately leading into the realm of collective consciousness. (Indra’s Net) In order to accommodate this
second approach I keep the level of ‘redundancy’ higher than absolutely necessary. So the attentive reader should not
be annoyed by these repetitions or reiterations, they are in fact intended reflections of the contextual environment.
This is contemplative writing for the mindful reader, so please take your time and try to ‘think more slowly’.
The sometimes very abstract thematic requires a more metaphorical language with peripheral words & images.
This layout allows not only ‘mental breaks’ but also eases the navigation should the reader choose to leave the page or
paragraph and return to it later. As in all my writings, the reader can choose where to begin, end or deviate
                                                                                          … because eventually, everything will fall into its place anyway. 

This Philosophy of constant Change & nonlinear Dynamic
recognizes the co-dependencies & inter-connectivities of everything.
This is a Compass-in-Chaos for the multiplicities of our eternal life-cycle,
an operating & guidance system for the cloud networks
of Social Emotional Intelligence.
As all wisdom is constantly growing & transforming,
this philosophy is a work in progress,
an inspirational tool for the co-creation of sustainable Synergy.

The Philosophy-in-Motion wants to be an interdisciplinary inspiration
for all the wisdom-seekers & social-activists out there looking for solutions.
This ‘newWay of Thinking will help us heal our Social-Emotional Intelligence
and regain our common-sense of Cloud- or Swarm-Intelligence,
the only form of intelligence able to develop & co-create the Synergy-of-Consensus
which is absolutely essential for our correspondence & collaboration
with, and within our ecosystem.

 This Philosophy entails a comprehensive System Analysis
of the Psychodynamics in our Socio-Ecological Environment


The Philosophy of a ‘Free Market Economy’ dominates our planet,
a cancerous, psychopathic belief system
which has infected our entire Social Emotional Intelligence
and is now consuming its devotees and their habitat.

Now this is a place where individuals have entered a constant warfare with themselves and
their environment, where whole societies go to war just to defend their beliefs in Love, Peace,
Freedom’& Democracy, and where most people live a life they did not choose.

woman in somalia

These are the Philosophies of complete Sickos,

– based on Beliefs in an ‘ultimate’ Good & Evil and in a hierarchic, linear Order of all things,
– created by commandments of separation, domination and reward & punishment.
  This is a Linear Paradigm at the End of its own definition,
– limited & restricted by laws of ‘logic’ which haven’t been revised or changed for centuries,
and are now trapped in a linguistic perception of an ‘absolute’ truth.
– reduced to a Science of marginalization & dialectic of ‘FALSE & TRUE’,
with a rationality of tangible results and final ‘solutions in a box’.

We don’t need more empty promises of bigger-better-faster with quick fixes in green camouflage!
For real ecologic & economic solutions, we need a fundamental paradigm shift,
a reconciliation process with our environment, – our planet, our habitat, our Home!

By incorporating ecopsychology, synchronicity and quantum mechanics, etc…,
complementing them with our common indigenous spirituality, the essence of our world-religions
and the ancient wisdom of east & west will synthesize a new wholistic philosophy of constant change,
a philosophy in-tune with our environment,
aware of our interrelationship & belonging to the rest of creation,
conscious about our co-dependency & responsibilities,
realizing that Harmony & Balance mean constant motion & adaptation.
This constant adjustment is the Shift and the Healing process we so urgently looking for …


Our Love for Wisdom

is the sapience of our species

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