– or the manifestation of all Evil ?

This Experience of seeing our-Self out there, down there, in the depth & darkness,
moved us deeply and touched our ‘soul’ fundamentally,
a ‘divine’ revelation to our deeply spiritual ancestors.

Who or What was this reflection? Was this the other Me, a He/She, or even THE ‘IT‘ ?
– a Quest for Belonging had begun !

Stimulating Mirror- or Empathy Neurons of
our rudimental herd- or swarm-intelligence, plus
adding the newly discovered dimension of ‘the Ego’,
triggered a more rapid & conscious learning process
in early societies. This Social-Emotional-Intelligence
became the essential driving force of human development.


New Questions about distinction & differentiation arose and consequently created new
confrontations & friction, the fundamental dynamic of a dualistic worldview.
– A different perspective, another angle of view, giving another dimension,
allowing a new perception of life.

The memories of this ‘divine’ Experience remained deeply engraved in our minds.
These images of our Self-Reflection reverberated in our minds and became
a pivotal issue of human spirituality & culture.

Completely absorbed & consumed by these new revelations,
we began to re-define our perspective on life,
to re-organize our social structures and
re-arrange our relationship to the rest of creation.

This ‘awakening‘, and the power this new consciousness created,
was exciting and completely mind-boggling for our ancestors.
The focus was now on self-understanding & self-reflection with less
consideration of the collective and ultimately the environment as a whole.

With growing, self-regard & self-respect came more self-reliance & self-determination.
But, concealed in the newly gained self-confidence coupled with dignity & pride, and along with some new ideas of self-sustenance, came the treacherous misconceptions of egoism & anthropocentrism.

‘Addicted‘ to these images, and the powerful knowledge they presented, we seemed to get the ‘upper hand’ on the rest of creation. The power of the ‘mind over matter’ was now predominant.
Strong individuals, in combination with the team-effort of larger social groups,
could grow these achievements exponentially.


Some ‘exceptional‘ individuals with confidence & vision took charge,
those with extra ambitions took over the leadership,

and so hierarchic societies began to emerge;
‘Race to the Top had begun;
– and the ideas of Exceptionalism &The Führer were born.


After subsistence & sustainability, we added a new struggle to our lives,
the fight for freedom & self-determination;

– and the revolt against those fellow men
who want to dominate & enslave us,
in any way or form,
goes on & on & on…


With the idea of a hierarchic world order and its monotheistic justification a new form of civilization arrived
and with this anthropocentric monoculture of segregation & entitlements, a very twisted ‘ecologic‘ thinking materialized,
a strange economy’ based on exploitation of men & nature, turning quest into conquest.

Our Social-Emotional-Intelligence was slowly reduced or violently cut down to – just ‘Intelligence’


while whole nations are still thriving for
autarky & independence,
‘big business‘ is raking in more & more profit;

– today more than ever !


– and WATCH IT closely, wars continue to drive our ‘economies‘…

Humanity is still fighting for control and World Domination,
constantly corrupting science & technology with its anthropocentric biases

– and the exploitation of man & planet gets perfected even more…
– just turning ‘Mother Earth’ into space junk !



Since then, we – as individuals & collective – are anxiously trying to re-live or hold-on to these moments in time,
to re-capture the emotional experiences associated with those images.
Now we work hard & desperately, trying to re-create the physical & mental conditions
for the return of these powerful & satisfying moments of bliss & peace.

With this new perception & consciousness, we were able to use Memory & Knowledge much more systematically.
We could now pick & choose, make our selections, combine them with our multisensory awareness,
with Imagination, Intuition & Inspiration, and re-create all of the above, – plus more…


To maintain & preserve these, always personal experiences, visions & knowledge
had to be shared with the collective, handed down to future generations.
This became our dualistic concept of learning & teaching:
– a system that stuffed even the ‘divine’ experiences into a linguistic format.
– a logic which rationalized & limited everything even more with the
written word, the narrow-mindedness of Law & Order;
– a program of ‘Reward & Punishment’ which was eventually reduced to
just conditioned behavior and digital communication.

 The engineered consent of the numbed & dumbed masses 

But something went wrong when sorting & re-organizing our minds,
experiences & memories got blurry, images & emotions got distorted & warped by time and other distractions of life…
Despite being just individual interpretations, they now became our visions & beliefs,
our new co-creation, reflecting the events of the past from a different perspective,
– our angle on history, our individual point of view on things…

We began to project these interpretations, our subjective perceptions onto
the ‘surface of reflection’, – the presence.
We superimposed our manipulated visions below or above the ‘surface’,
the ‘dividing line’ between past & future, life & death.
We illuminated these pictures with our altered enlightenment,
our personal experience & wisdom filled the future with constantly growing
Anticipations, high Expectations & something we call Hope.
Until we finally declared our selective & restricted Imagination,
to be the truth and nothing but the TRUTH.
This Perception of REALITY & TRUTH became the Linear Paradigm of our Culture !

(- the Elephant Truth)

Fascinated & absorbed by our own Image and the self-consciousness we associated with it,
got possessed by the idea of a hierarchic order.
With the power, of being ‘on top of the food chain’, our self-confidence was growing arrogantly.
Blinded by the light of success, our visions & ideas trimmed, shaped & formed the world into
Our Reality’, and everything was re-created ‘in the Image of its Creator’. (Imago Dei)
This idealistic image of ultimate perfection was engraved in stone, to last for all ages.
Commandments established a Hierarchic Order protected by some ‘Rules of Law’.
Laws defined the rights & wrongs, the good, the bad, and the discrimination of the ‘ugly’.
This way we re-designed our environment, built our Utopias, and made
the world ‘our business’ with some narrow-minded concepts of growth & expansion.

– No wonder, conquering, invading and taking-by-force is now the ‘Order of Today‘.


In the name of the Creator,
we claimed our ‘copyrights’,
came up with definitions of entitlement,
and by drawing lines in the sand
we took possession of everything & anything.





The focus was on us, everything revolved around mankind, the divine, Chosen-One,
‘the most intelligent Being on earth !’, the Homo sapiens, the Man-of-Wisdom ? ?

But we totally overlooked the context of all of this, forgetting the backdrop,
our environment, mother nature, and most importantly, our habitat.
We split the Ecosystem of this planet into two different things,
the Economy on one side and Ecology on the other.
We distinguished & separated ourselves from the world around us,
divided anything & everything in right & wrong, good & evil, righteousness & lawless.

Anything stepping over the line in the sand,
being or getting out-of-control,
out-of-line with this hierarchic paradigm,
is dangerous and threatens now
our concepts of entitlement & possession.


As the opposite of light is darkness,
and as ‘Good‘ only exists in the presence of ‘Evil‘,
so is the concept of Freedom an integral part of proprietorship,
and any opposing idea of this Law & Order
is demonized and labelled as Chaos & Anarchy…

Any inexplicable or undetectable phenomena,
strange or unknown pattern, something confusing
and not fitting our scientific theories, is labelled as Chaos.

Anything obstructing our view or getting in the way of our Visions of truth is
lawless and in disorder, the bad habit of breaking the rules is Anarchy.
Interfering with our ‘picture’, erasing lines & borders is not tolerated.
A rippled surface, a rainy day or the darkness of night, are bad news,
they have to be straightened & illuminated.
Untamed Wilderness, jungle & desert have to be restrained & cultivated.
Aliens, savages, dirt & decay, swarming & contagion have to be contained and disciplined.
Like the weather, Reality & Truth are constantly changing, they always
differ from what we Imagined – they are unpredictable.
There are no final conclusions to the pulse of real life.
In Reality, there will always be some inexplicable & undetectable.
And there we are, in conflict with the ultimate & chaotic, but dynamic Energy of Life !

Our War against Nature –


But, the big experiment of human world domination & control,
all the social & economic engineering by the Abrahamic religions,
have utterly failed and we became a bunch of parasites killing our host.



The truly ‘divine’ Order of ‘our’ Nature is Chaos.
To live in Peace & Harmony with ourselves & our-next,
to coexist in co-creative Balance with our environment,
and to have a Dynamic Relationship with Life,
is the Nature of Anarchy.

Individuals who are pursuing this kind of correlation to Life are called Anarchists.

The same shortsighted & outdated beliefs which introduced us to a
hierarchic & chauvinistic concept of Law & Order, have also restricted
our ability to cope with the Organic Patterns of Life.
The ideas of growth & expansion became contagious.
We became the virus & cancer of creation, overgrowing our planet,
and eating away our host & habitat.
Ideas of limitation, segregation & entitlement have reduced our sensitivity & sensibility
to a point where we became the most irresponsible species on earth…

– and we call this – Intelligence !?

Now we are possessed by the idea of control & possession,
addicted to comfort & ‘growth’, and trapped in a dysfunctional economy
with a monetary system that enslaves over 99% of our world population.

In this paradigm, there is no solution in sight and primeval fear of Chaos & Anarchy
is deeply engraved into our minds, a paranoia that has created threads anywhere we look,
competition & enemies everywhere we go.

But life is not polished & smooth, – it has texture & grit.
The Diversity & Dynamic of Life presents
a wonderful and constantly changing environment.
These alternating circumstances set everything in motion,
a process which creates the power of Synergy,
and saturates our entire existence.

To the untrained eye, the undeveloped sense, and the uneducated mind,
all this Dynamic & Energy can be overwhelming & frightening,
an appearance we commonly call The Chaos.

It is the Energy of this Chaos which requires our attention, which is stimulating mind & senses,
and is constantly asking us to act & respond.

It is this Dynamic of Chaos that challenges the individual and the collective to
adapt & evolve, to coexist & cooperate with environment & circumstances.

And, as you can see, the answers to a quest come with the formulation
of the question; The outcome of the task is determined by perception & approach.

To navigate in & thru this chaos, this ocean of life,
each of us has to develop & co-create his or her own multisensory ‘tool’,
a ‘device’ of awareness which reads the signs and listens to the signals along the way.
Deciphering & analyzing all these inputs & information, combining & synthesizing it with knowledge & memory, is the Wisdom & Consciousness, I here call ‘The Compass’.
Balance & Harmony are very complex processes which involve
and require skills & techniques we no longer pursue, teach or practice today.

We need a real Paradigm Shift with a new Philosophy-in-Motion,
in-tune with the Dynamics of our Ecosystem,
consistent with the Synergy of the ‘divine’ Chaos,
and the ‘return’ to ‘Paradise’ will be guaranteed.

← The Philosophy in Motion →

The journey is certain; destination & timetable are variables.